


Politon is a turn-based strategy game with easy-to-understand mechanics and satisfying visuals. If you want to test your strategical logic against enemies of different numbers and difficulty levels, Politon offers a variety of hex-based maps with various terrains. You'll need to manage your economy while expanding your territories and defend your region against rival invasions.

Key Features:

The game features four types of units, three building types, and hex grid maps waiting to be conquered. The unit types are arranged from weakest to strongest: Peasant, Militia, Baron, and Knight. Each hex grid allows one unit or building to be placed, and each unit has one movement point per turn. To afford the cost of units and their maintenance, you must expand your territory and strengthen your economy by building Farms. You can opt to place Outposts or Watchtowers to form defensive lines. Enhance your economy by collecting resources from the terrain or strategically spreading your influence by waiting for a few turns. The joy of victory lies in eliminating all your enemies.


Point and click on tiles to select the region you want to manage. Then click on building cards to select which units you want to recruit. Expand your regions by moving units around and defeat your enemies.

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